Saturday, September 27, 2008


For several summers in college, I was a lifeguard and camp counselor at camps in Colorado and Texas. My sister Jennifer and I use to take the short walk to the officer's club pool every day in the summer as kids. I always felt comfortable in the water. This last Thursday, my friend Carrie and I visited a new pool near by for the lap swim time. My suit was not suitable (a tankini from Wal-mart bought 4 years ago), and I had no swim cap or goggles. But I swam several laps, only to find out that I still enjoyed swimming, but I have not had formal swim training since those lessons in elementary school. Good thing Carrie is a real swimmer who knows her stuff. I still felt great. I went home and purchased a purple and black suit, goggles, and a purple swim cap online. I'm so excited to be back in the pool again!

My inspiration to swim come from two people. First, Dara Torres (pictured here), 40-year-old Olympian, need I say more. Second, (and even more influential in my decision to start swimming) my little five-year-old niece, who must have been a mermaid in a different life.


Anna said...

I think this is awesome Susan. I wish I was more apt to go swim, but though it is the little ones thing, it doesn't seem to be mine. I SO admire Torres. She is amazing. Completely amazing to me.

We will be able to walk and run and bike places again soon though. They are adding our housing back into the base and I cannot wait. We will be able to go to the library and not drive a car there!

Anyways, I have babbled on forever. Your plan is admirable!

Susan said...

I'm already starting to feel better because of the work out! Definitely works muscles I forgot about.