Friday, January 23, 2009

First Ultrasound

Here's the little honey bear. That's what I call him/her. These pictures are from week 9. You can't see much on the pictures, but more could be made out in the actual ultrasound. Brian and I are very excited.

Hope and other babies

Here is a picture of Brian and his new niece Hope. He says she likes to squirm around and curl her body up. Hope was born to Brian's sister and her husband Scott on December 29th. Speaking of babies, most of you probably know that Brian and I are expecting our first child in August! I'm at the end of my first trimester and doing great.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Birthday Sewing

Today's my birthday! After a long week, it was really nice to wake up in the morning for breakfast and presents. Brian kept aside the boxes that had come from my family and his family. So I opened everything at the same time, including his gift. I feel like its Christmas again. I love all of my gifts: from my parents, table cloth, earrings I LOVE, from his parents cranberry bread, dried mangoes, necklace/earring set, a Kohl's gift card, and from Brian a SEWING MACHINE! I'm so excited to have the machine and tools to mend clothes and make basic things for the house. I have not started playing with it yet, but I'm sure I will soon! The image here is the exact machine I have. Sorry it's a little small.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Update and Chagall

Hi everyone, sorry I have neglected my already dull blog of late. As a part of my vacation, I decided not to blog. Brian and I spent Christmas in Minneapolis visiting with my sister, her husband, and my parents. We had a great time together, but man was it cold. Going back to work after a vacation is always a shocker. I've been working on my license application for my counseling license in the state. Brian is finishing up some things for the semester (at Harvard the semester is not over until mid-January). Speaking of January, my birthday is coming up soon. I have asked Brian for one of those mini-sewing machines called a shark. They sell them at Target. If you have ever tried one, let me know. I'm hoping to use it to hem pants, to patch up Brian's well loved jeans, and maybe to make some curtains. For the new year, well, lets just say I'm glad 2008 is over. It's time for something new in my life.

Pictured here is a painting by Marc Chagall called The Poet with the Birds which hangs in the Minneapolis Institute of Art. I liked it so much I bought a print of it that I plan to frame and hang soon. . .