Saturday, January 17, 2009

Birthday Sewing

Today's my birthday! After a long week, it was really nice to wake up in the morning for breakfast and presents. Brian kept aside the boxes that had come from my family and his family. So I opened everything at the same time, including his gift. I feel like its Christmas again. I love all of my gifts: from my parents, table cloth, earrings I LOVE, from his parents cranberry bread, dried mangoes, necklace/earring set, a Kohl's gift card, and from Brian a SEWING MACHINE! I'm so excited to have the machine and tools to mend clothes and make basic things for the house. I have not started playing with it yet, but I'm sure I will soon! The image here is the exact machine I have. Sorry it's a little small.


Anna said...

Happy Birthday!!! We love you bunches!!!!

Susan said...

Thanks, Anna. Maybe some day I'll be making halloween costumes like you. Bald eagles and white tigers!

Anna said...

Well there is always the patching of blue jeans. Elena's have heart shape patches on her knees... and then the fixing of princess dresses. Really, it never stops! :) The kids also love watching me sew and they have had to learn early that the machine is totally off limits to them. I do not want to run them to the ER over a punctured finger. I am sure you will love the machine! They are SO handy!

Chrystine said...

Happy Birthday!

I scored a great sewing machine at a garage sale a couple of summers ago. I dream of becoming an amazing seamstress. Now if I could only find time to learn how to use it...

Chrystine said...

Oh! Also, the last couple of days Kira has taken to naming the characters in her stories/playing Susan. I am guessing it is after you because I don't think we know any other Susans...

Susan said...

Wow, Chrystine, I can't believe my name made it into Kira's playtime. What an honor! Maybe the fact that I mentioned I was a twin pushed me over the edge (since she's fascinated with twins).