Friday, August 7, 2009

Last Post

I have officially decided to put this boring blog out of its misery. I have realized that I can't really keep up with it and that I would probably fare better on Facebook. Yes, I am giving into the Facebook phenomenon after avoiding it for years.

As a last update on the blog. It's Friday the 7th and my baby is due on the 10th. My nephew Justice (Jennifer's baby) was born on the 5th late in the evening at 9 pounds and 7 ounces. I hear he is very cute and doing very well. My sister is also recovering quickly. I expect to probably go beyond my due date as well, which is expected for first time babies.

I think Brian and I have everything we need for the baby, the car seat is in and the bags are packed. We're just waiting and very excited for the arrival of our little girl.

Thanks for reading and for humoring me on my first blog.


Jessica said...

Not that you need anymore helpful hints(because I'm sure you've gotten plenty of advice along the way)here are a few things I've learned after having Caleb and Joshua: Walking really helps you dilate quicker. After walking around a Toys R Us for about an hour, I was 6 cm when we got to the hospital. That was a crazy day! Even though you won't feel like it, try to change which side you're laying on in the bed. This will also help you dilate faster. We hope all goes well and quickly for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Could you please just have Brian post the baby's "stats" and name after she is born? I would really like to have that information as soon as possible. Thanks!

Susan said...

I will reserve the real last post for the baby info when it happens. Cindy, is that you?

cindy said...

Yes, it's me. Every time I send a note it shows "anonymous." I couldn't possibly be doing something wrong, could I?

Chrystine said...

I'll miss you Susan! Glad I can keep up with you on fb, though.

Congratulations to Jennifer! It will be fun having the babies so close together. You should come for a visit soon so the babies can meet. ;)

You are over your fear of holding babies now, right? lol. Well, if not, you will be soon!

Susan said...

I have had several friends who have broken me in with their kids of late. I am up early due to contractions, maybe she'll be here soon?

Miss you Cindy!!

cindy said...

Yeah! I will be praying for you and Brian today--so exciting.

I miss you too, Susan. Please let us know when your baby girl arrives.