Saturday, December 6, 2008

Another week of Illness

Coming off of my allergic reaction, I contracted the stomach flu, along with 11 of my co-workers and about 8 of my clients. It's been a rough weekend for us all. I'm just hoping that the many body parts pictured here will be cooperating with me soon! I have Holiday parties to attend here!

Is it me?! This is my fourth week in a row being sick in some way. I have missed 3 Wednesdays at work in a row because of illness. This has to stop some time, right?


Anna said...

I am so sorry Susan. That is miserable!

I hope that you will soon be over all this and right as rain in lightening speed. ;)

Susan said...

Thanks, Anna. I just started feeling pretty normal on Sunday. I think the Chinese Dumplings I ate healed my stomach....