Sunday, April 5, 2009

Update at 5:34 AM

I had been lying awake since 3:15AM and decided to get up around 4:15AM. Maybe my body is preparing itself for having to be up at night for the baby. For some reason, I have been consistently waking up around 4:00PM for the last 8 years or so. It's has not really bothered me until recently now that I'm having a hard time falling back asleep. My elderly neighbor is also up right now too; I can hear him watching the mass.

Since it's Sunday morning, I don't really mind. I have spent the last hour and a half online looking at baby stuff from Ikea. I am not a very creative person, but I've found myself nearly obsessing about the design of my baby room. I like the traditional looks of baby rooms, but I don't see myself having one. So I am so far taking it upon myself to design my own room and to make curtains and other items on my sewing machine. I also have these strange ideas for wall hangings and things hanging from the ceiling. All of the designs are based on a print I bought in the Minneapolis Institute of Art.

I posted this image in January but didn't say that I actually purchased it for the baby's room. Since my last post, our little one seems to be doing very well. She is moving around a lot, especially when I want to go to bed at night! I have felt very good in my second trimester and much of my energy has returned. I am still working full time plus, but working on pulling back and delegating. You can never anticipate any complications before, during or after the birth. My doctor said the other day "Right now, a lot of people can do your job, but no one but you can take care of your baby."

Brian is studying for his general exams, 4 of them. He'll be taking them in May. Please pray with us that he will pass them. He has been studying for months and months and has a lot on the line.

That's all for now. Here's our little girl in our last ultrasound a month ago. She's so cute!


Eustace Bright said...

Que linda su bebe -- you're baby is soooo cute!

Look at her -- she is so real!

Anna said...

very sweet!!! I am looking forward to your nursery pics.

Chrystine said...

You guys look great! I used to wake up every morning at 4:00 when I was pregnant with Kira. And somewhat with Brinley too. Actually, that was how I suspected that I was pregnant with Brinley. Weird.

Have you looked at Odeedoh? I loved looking through the nursery tours when I was pregnant with Brinley.
It was really fun to see what other people did and they have lots of small rooms and shared rooms and all sorts of things.

Glad to hear everything is going well and can't wait for you guys to be parents. You're going to love it.