Thursday, July 2, 2009

Some Questions

As you can tell, I have not been posting much. I'm nearing the end of my pregnancy with about 5 weeks left. I have had little energy to do much but work and rest. I am just in recent weeks starting to feel BIG and uncomfortable, but I guess that's how all pregnant women feel.

Some questions I have for myself: Should I keep this blog, make it into a "baby blog"? How much longer can I really keep working? What do I still need for the baby that I don't know I need? How much longer is it going to keep raining here (it has rained almost every day for the last 30 days)? Am I really ready for this life change? Can I really get any bigger? Will I have anything to wear in two weeks? Should I get a pedicure tomorrow?


Anonymous said...

Here are more questions and a few answers: Decide about the blog after the baby is born; it may be a good outlet for you later. If you will be using maternity leave, save as much as possible for after the birth. Babies don't need much, Susan; it's the parents who think they need the stuff; once the baby arrives, you will know what you truly need. I don't have answers about the rain. You will be ready for this life change when you need to be. Yes, you WILL get bigger, and if you are like I was, you will be wearing tight clothes the last 3 weeks of your pregnancy-oh well! Can you afford the pedicure? If so, treat yourself to one since you probably can't reach your feet. Enjoy this time; it will be over soon. My love to you and Brian.

Cindy said...

The first post was from Cindy; I didn't intend to be anonymous :).

Susan said...

Hi Cindy! Guess what, it stopped raining for now. Thanks for the advice. I realized last week after my child birth class that Brian and I are a lot less nervous about having our first baby than a lot of people. I'm trying to read when I can't sleep at night in the two baby books I have. Clothing, I'm just so tired of thinking about it and having nothing that fits. But really, I should be thankful. My tummy is big, but most other places are normal. And because of the cool weather, I haven't been swelling. My sister should be having her baby in a couple of weeks!

Chrystine said...

My advice is to listen to Cindy.

I can't believe how close you are. That is so exciting!