Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What Would Martha Do?

I have never recalled having Veterans day off at work. I am guessing that I usually have worked the holiday and disregarded the opportunity for a day off in the middle of the week (I probably tacked it on the end or beginning of a weekend to make it "worth it"). Here I am, with an unexpected day off. What should I do? I generally don't do well with time for relaxing or taking a break. In fact, this last Saturday, I swept and mopped my entire house, pulling up rugs, moving furniture, the whole bit. I wish wish I was content to read a good book for a few hours or spend some quality time in prayer. I have always felt like a failure in these areas. I'm the one with the mixing bowl in the picture, looking at the pile of dishes on the other side of the room, and I wish Mary would stop making me look bad.

So today, what are my options. First, I already slept in and it's about 10:30am. I have an offer to have lunch or coffee with a friend. I could do all of my grocery shopping today and not go on Saturday for my usual madness. Or maybe just a smaller trip for coffee, milk, and olive oil. I could bake some pumpkin bread (add molasses to the shopping list) or some Puerto Rican rice and chicken. What about all of the Veterans day sales! I could go to the Burlington Mall and look around (Buying only a cup of coffee and an item under $10). I always leave that mall feeling poor and out of style.

Maybe I should exercise! The pool is closed (I may sound like a regular, I am not), but I could go on a really long walk, maybe out by the harbor on the Deer Island trail. I could spend some time in prayer or contemplation while watching the waves. Or maybe I should get some use out of my bike for once, which I have neglected all summer, only to now bring it out on a 45 degree day! I'm so out of shape.

What about Christmas shopping? I could make a master list of gifts for every person. I could purchase or make Christmas cards.
What I have decided to do for sure:

1. Call my Dad (US Army Veteran)
2. Eat Lunch and Dinner
3. Take a shower at some point
4. Some form of exercise
5. Read a chapter of the Bible
6. Have fun?
7. Posting on the blog...

I'm I the only person stressed about having a day off? Perhaps this indicates that my present work days often 10 or 11 hours leaves no space for me to even think about such things. I don't know, I'm a mess, and I feel hopelessly obsessed with work. As Brian would say in a sarcastic voice "I'm not a human doing, I'm a human being!"


Chrystine said...

Whatever you decide, I hope you enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, I totally identify with that "overwhelmed by having too much free time" feeling. It's awful, since all you want to do is enjoy your day off!

Interestingly, having Lucy has ended up minimizing that problem for me- maybe it's the regular routine that she imposes on us (naps, bedtime, eating), or that I don't expect (or am not able) to choose as much what I want to do.

Anyway, I do hope you had some fun times on Tuesday.

Susan said...

For the record, Tuesday was okay. I met my friend for coffee, shopped at Goodwill, made some great pumpkin bread, and did all the things on the list. But my most major accomplishment was putting in my new contacts. Post on this coming soon.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I know we are twins, but you sound a lot like me.