Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Turn Out the Vote

Brian and I went to the polls at 8 this morning to vote. We waited about an hour and 15 minutes and used a ballot similar to the one pictured here. I thought the state or even this area would have the same kinds of ballots for each polling station, but I found out that my co-workers filled in circles (rather than drawing lines). Some were asked for ID, though I was not. Brian and I thought it would be funny to actually show up to the polling stations with "street pride" in T-shirts with street slogans, maybe some chants for our street. Okay, it's not that funny. . . Happy voting.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Actually that sounds very much like Brian humor.

I was going to make the kids t-shirts that simply said, "Vote" on the front. I didn't get it done. I did however get them way too exciting about voting.

The Girl dressed up and was going around the house chanting, "USA, USA, USA."

When I finished voting and turned in my ballot, they were shocked that it was so simple. So boring.

They would have enjoyed the street chanting. ♥